Thursday, December 18, 2008

Coat Drive Update

As mentioned before, the Oilers are having a coat drive for a local homeless shelter. Anyone who donates a new or "gently used" coat gets a free ticket to Saturday night's game. You can bring your donation to the door or if you want to get a ticket in advance you can do so at

McNellie's - Friday, between 10am and 2pm.
Camillie's - Friday, 2pm.

This is your chance to be a REAL SANTA. Donate to a good cause!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Oilers Coat Drive

The Santa Rampage is not just about bar hoping, it is about giving. The Tulsa Oilers are having a coat drive and all Santas are encouraged to bring a coat to donate to the drive. The coats will be collected at the entrance and anyone who brings a coat gets in free. While we doubt that people will want to stay for the game it may be a good opportunity to walk around and wave to the fans.

Remember, when around people in the general public be respectful. If you see someone who is ignoring the Santa Code of Honor, let them know. The bad actions of one Santa will make us all look bad.

Friday, December 12, 2008

How We Roll

Here is how the Santa Rampage will work. We may have more people than can fit on the trolley at one time. They have agreed to double back and pick up any Santa's that couldn't fit on the first group without going on the whole loop. Please tip the driver!

- 6pm - Meet at McNellie's starting to eat, drink and be merry
- 7pm - Parade over to BOK Center - there is a hockey game that starts at 7:30 and we want to be outside (maybe inside) parading around.
- 8pm - Parade back to Dirty's/Arnie's
- 9pm - Trolley ride to Soundpony
- 10pm Trolley to 18th & Boston
- 11pm Trolley to Brookside/Jewel

Unless you have a designated driver we recommend you take a cab home at the end of the night. We do not know when the last trolley is so there is no guarantee you can get a ride back to McNellie's. Plan accordingly.

Check the schedule the day before for changes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cheap Beards

Here is a site I found that sells white beards for 3.95. If you are making your own suit try looking in the beard section instead of the Christmas section and you can find the same beard for a 1/3 of the price.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Costume Shopping

The Goodwill Store on 26th and Southwest Blvd has some AMAZING options for Santa costumes. First off, ALL of the clothes are organized by color. Even if you aren't shopping it is pretty cool to see. So immediately you can zero in on the reds. For the guys the have sweat shirts and pants that could be an easy option or you could head over to the ugly sweater section to get something fun. But the real gold mine is the ladies section. FABULOUS! If Talbot's made a size 18 jacket I'd be wearing one to the rampage. Plus they had a white fake fur Jordache jacket that would be great or could be cut up to glue on the cuffs of a red outfit. They also have a random Christmas section with some pretty funny stuff. Map.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why Rampage?

Santa Made You Cry

Look at the pictures below. Look familiar? Sure, it might not actually be you, but in some way don't these pictures represent the larger life-altering event we all had to endure? The day Santa made us cry.

Maybe it was the smell. Maybe it was the freaky beard. Or maybe it was just the plain and simple fact that the Santa you met on that fateful day did not meet the expectations of your once exuberant imagination. The point is not that it happened. The point is that now is your carpe diem moment to do something about it!

The simple truth is that deep down inside you are still a little scared of Santa. And the only way to overcome this deep rooted fear is to become Santa. To be Santa. To own Santa. To make Santa your bitch(if that is your thing). Whatever your reason, excuse, or rationalization, now is the time to act. Get out, get involved and get your Santa on!

Mini Rampage

We had a blast last night promoting the Rampage at McNellie's, Soundpony and The Grey Snail. We have passed out over 100 stickers/invites and have a list of 50+ people who are planning on attending!

Thanks to everybody for helping get the word out!