Friday, December 5, 2008

Costume Shopping

The Goodwill Store on 26th and Southwest Blvd has some AMAZING options for Santa costumes. First off, ALL of the clothes are organized by color. Even if you aren't shopping it is pretty cool to see. So immediately you can zero in on the reds. For the guys the have sweat shirts and pants that could be an easy option or you could head over to the ugly sweater section to get something fun. But the real gold mine is the ladies section. FABULOUS! If Talbot's made a size 18 jacket I'd be wearing one to the rampage. Plus they had a white fake fur Jordache jacket that would be great or could be cut up to glue on the cuffs of a red outfit. They also have a random Christmas section with some pretty funny stuff. Map.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The one at 3rd and Garnett is also well organized by colour!